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top digital marketing skills nigeria

7 Digital Marketing Skills Nigerian Companies Are Hiring Now

I’ve decided to do a sequel after receiving so many job opportunities from talent hunters on LinkedIn and from prospects/clients via my website.
Another reason why I’m talking about this topic is because LinkedIn did a study of top 25 skills that got people jobs in 2014 and 4 of these skills were marketing related.
  • 5 – SEO/SEM marketing
  • 12 – Marketing Campaign Management
  • 16 – Digital and Online Marketing
  • 20 – Channel Marketing.

25 job skills 2015 linkedin study

I agree because I noticed that Nigerian companies had similar job openings too. Keep reading.
7 Digital Marketing Skills that Nigerian companies are hiring in 2015:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Last year alone, about 20 prospects looking for an SEO specialist in Lagos contacted me to audit, revamp and make their websites visible on Google search.
And here I was thinking my SEO skill is not relevant in Nigeria. I almost took down my SEO services page for good. Well, I’m proud to call myself an SEO specialist.
Are you good at optimizing a website for Google search and humans? Can you make a website easy for Google to crawl and rank in the right category of keywords? Then, you are the man/woman that companies are looking for.
2. Content Creation / Content Marketing /Copywriting

Most savvy companies in Nigeria have come to realize that just having a website is not enough. In order to achieve long-term sales goals, they must invest in content marketing.
The problem is, most of these companies don’t have the time to write articles for their company blog or create ebooks.
That’s where a content marketer, copywriter or blogger comes in.
To succeed in this field, you must be a good researcher and have the ability to create content that is educational, inspirational, entertaining and solves problems. The content doesn’t have to be all text, you can re-purpose your content to include videos, Slideshare presentation, photos, and podcast. 

3. Web Design/Development and UX

Can you build websites and/or mobile apps that helps to attract new visitors, convert visitors to leads or customers? Companies are hunting for you right now.

4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Do you know how to use tools, like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn, YouTube, & Twitter Ads effectively?
Do you have a deeper understanding of keyword selection, landing page optimization, copywriting and measuring the effectiveness of PPC campaigns?
Then you are what employers need. Go dust your resume and portfolio!

5. Email Marketing / Marketing Automation

Did you notice that between 2014 and 2015, Email marketing became popular in Nigeria?
Every Nigerian company is busy buying bulk email lists and sending blasts the wrong way – unfortunately.
Why did I say, unfortunately? Because I DO NOT support buying email lists. I’m an advocate of PERMISSION-BASED email marketing in Nigeria. If you need send people marketing newsletters, the least you can do is ask for their permission. Let them do it voluntarily.
Back to the topic, email marketing is not dead. As old as it may be, email marketing stilI has and will always be one of the most effective ways to market products and services.
But, in order to get qualified for the job, you must be well grounded in list building, lifecycle email copywriting, segmentation, HTML/CSS, and automated workflows.

6. Social Media Marketing/Advertising

Do you have great listening, writing, design and selling skills? Are you an avid reader and eternal learner of new technologies? Do you like measuring the results of your marketing strategy? Then you are the social media manager that Nigerian companies are looking for! Companies want you to manage, engage and convert their social media prospects into buyers. They also want you to keep up with the frequent changes in social media ad platforms. 

7. Video Production/Marketing

Can you tell stories and engage an audience with videos? Can you edit, host, promote and market that video on YouTube, Instagram, Vine and other channels? Nigerian companies are looking for you.
Which Nigerian Cities Have The Most Digital Marketing Jobs?
According to LinkedIn jobs section and from my own experience, the 4 major cities include:
  • Lagos
  • Abuja
  • Port-Harcourt
  • Kano.

Become a Smarter Digital Marketer in Nigeria Training


  1. Hi Caroline, It’s great to see (read) that Nigerians companies are catching on.
    I’m an aspiring content creator/digital marketer…and I will confess that consuming and commenting on your (and other ‘experts’) valuable content is one of the steps I’m taking in that direction.
    Keep up the great work. *double thumbs up*

  2. Here’s a question (that I hope inspires content from you):

    “Where do I begin with content creation/marketing?”

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