I decided to pen down this article after noticing a recurring trend pop up while selling SEO services to Nigerian companies.
In the past few years, I’ve come to realize that not every business or company in Nigeria needs SEO.
So if you are a business owner looking to explore SEO for reaching your target audience, read on to discover:
4 Reasons Why Your Company Does Not Need SEO:
Reason No 1: Zero Search Volume:
Nobody is searching for your product or service on Google.
Reason No. 2: You want Fast results.
You want to rank on Google’s first page overnight and start selling.
Sorry sir, run paid ads.
SEO is a long term strategy/goal.
However, if you are patient enough, the money will eventually come on autopilot through SEO.
Ask my clients, they are smiling to the bank daily without spending money on ads.
Reason No 3: Ugly CMS
You are a big company whose website is built with a Horrible CMS on a long term contract.
Therefore you can’t move to WordPress, Shopify, etc.
I’m so sorry I can’t help you.
It’s complicated
Reason No 4: You Have Little Money and Less Resources.
Sorry sir, SEO is an investment. Its NOT FREE.
The minimum I charge for SEO Service is =N=100,000 per month to optimize the hell out of your website for long term results.
That fee is accepted if your SEO Strategy is less complicated.
So if you can’t afford it, I’ll suggest that you have a great website design and do social media campaign instead.
I hope with these few points of mine, I’ve been able to convince you and not to confuse you on reasons why your company doesn’t need SEO.
For this week ONLY.
I’m offering SEO Audit Service for your website.
It’s time to look at your SEO Strategy again.
I’m here to help with my SEO Audit and Roadmap session.
I will record a live custom SEO Audit on video for you to see what areas of your website needs improvement.
You can go ahead and show it to your web developer to implement the Roadmap.
If you implement the strategies in the SEO Audit on your website, you will start getting phone calls and inquiries from interested buyers in as little as 6 months.
Yes, I said 6 months because it’s dependent on how highly competitive your industry is on Google search.
I’ve had a client whose brand new website shot up to the first page of Google in 90 days. Competing with the likes of Konga and Jumia.
Are you ready to audit and optimize? Click to book SEO Audit & Roadmap Service.