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Top 6 Engaging Facebook Page Posts For Nigerian Entrepreneurs

Top 6 Engaging Facebook Page Posts For Nigerian Entrepreneurs

From my own personal experience, I know how managing a Facebook page and trying to keep those fans hooked on every of your update can be really time-consuming and frustrating.

However, there’s a solution. Here are 6 Engaging Facebook Posts that will keep your fans liking, commenting and sharing your brand’s message. I hope you’ll learn a thing or two from this blog post. Enjoy!

A. Quote: I have not seen any human being who doesn’t love inspirational quotes. Your fans aren’t any different. So inspire them daily with fresh quotes from Goodreads.

6 Facebook Page Post Ideas For Nigerian Entrepreneurs

B. Fill in the blank: This is the number weapon of top Facebook page admins. If you want to keep your fans engaged, simply use this trick called “Fill in the blank” and watch the comments come pouring in.
E.g. “Fill in the blank: If marketers mention _______ online I’ll explode!” For more ideas, try PostPlanner’s Status Engine Tool

C. This or That: Another of my secret code for increasing engagement on any Facebook page.
E.g. Adichie’s Americanah or Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Which would you rather read?
Got the idea?

D. Like if option A, Comment if option B: This is another method for boosting engagement on your fan page. You can mix it with quotes, news or facts.
E.g. Goodluck Jonathan is the best president of Nigeria. Click like if you agree; Comment if you don’t.

E. Open-ended Question: Another of my favourite. Get your fans talking by asking their opinion. Fans love it when you ask them questions.
E.g. What’s the best age to start a business?

F. Contest: Finally, if none of the above worked for your brand, organize a contest. Use the question format and give your winner a little reward. Like Airtime recharge card, Branded items, etc.

E.g. One thing I would change about [YOUR BRAND] is ______.  Best answer wins #1,000 naira recharge card.

6 Facebook Page Post Ideas For Nigerian Entr

BONUS: Remember to mix up your Facebook posts with images. This will make sure that your update gets seen by more fans.

That’s it! Hope you learnt a lot? Now start facebooking!

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