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This Week In Social Media: What It Means For Nigerian Business

This week in social media, a series of events occurred. Let’s take a look at them and see what it means for Nigerian businesses.
1. Google shuts down google places and adds it to Google+: It has been renamed as Google+Local which you can find in your google plus account for personal profiles and branded pages. This means that Nigerian businesses who have already been listed on Google maps can be found by new prospects through recommendations from their already existing customers. So if you haven’t listed your business on google maps or places, get started now.


2. You can now schedule posts on your facebook page for up to six months at a stretch. Which means that third party scheduling applications like have become irrelevant. I believe soonest twitter and google+ will follow suit.

3. If you have up to 400 fans on your facebook page, you can easily promote your facebook page post for as low as $5 dollars using Facebook “Promoted Post” feature. This means more traffic exposure for Nigerian businesses with a presence on facebook.

4. Facebook introduces “Facebook Offers” feature for local businesses pages that indicates that they are a local business on facebook page.

5. Facebook Page Owners can assign 5 different types of jobs to their page admins. They include: manager, insights analyst, content creator etc.

So, over to you. How does this new change affect your business? Will you try out these new changes? Let us know in the comments below.

Follow me on twitter for the latest digital marketing gists: @carolinewabara

Need help with promoting your business on social media? My creative digital marketing agency can help your business reach the top of Google and boost traffic,  leads and sales. Why not view my digital marketing services  for more details?

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