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Social Media Week Lagos Begins and Other Marketing Stories of the Week

From Kim Kardashian’s ‘flash’ visit to Nigeria to the much hyped about ‘Social Media Week’ happening right now in Lagos, Nigeria. There have been a number of major developments happening in the world of Nigerian online marketing. Get all the latest scoop here.

Social Media Week in Lagos Begins: Yes, the first ever social media week has just been born in Africa, right in the heart of Lagos city. This event started on the 18th of February 2013 and will end on Saturday, the 23rd of February, 2013. If you are social-savvy and live in Lagos, then you don’t want to miss this event. You can also follow the events live on twitter using this hashtag: #smwLagos. Get the full event schedule on their official website.

Darey-Love-Like-A-Movie-Co-hosted-by-Kim-KCriticisms Trail Kim Kardashian’s ‘Flash’ Visit To Nigeria: Well, Valentine’s Day 2013 has come and gone. Darey’s “Love Like A Movie Concert” has come and gone, and Kim Kardashian flew in like a thief in the night, appeared on the show for like a 45 seconds, slurred “Hey Naija”, and took the next flight back to her country richer than before. But, Nigerians weren’t impressed and they took to twitter and popular blogs to voice their opinions. Some felt duped, some felt inferior, while some were like, what the heck? Even, Nigerian law blogger discussed its legal implications. Get the full scoop on vanguard blog.

Twitter Set To Create Its Own Version Of Facebook Edgerank: Yes o! It seems like twitter is getting wiser while learning from Facebook’s edgerank method. Therefore, come February 20th, 2013, twitter will decide the value of your tweets with the following rankings of “none,” “low” and “medium”. So if you are a small business, my advice is that you start cranking out valuable tweets to avoid twitter blocking your tweets from the public eye. Get the scoop here.

Linkedin Allows Admins To Upload Files And Photos To Company Page: Have you explored @LinkedIn‘s new profile and company pages yet? Did you know you can now share images and files on your LinkedIn Company Page? Plus edit photo, biography & more prevalent sharing? Hurry now to your LinkedIn page now and start uploading those entertaining and inspirational photos.

Twitter localizes trends for Nigerians: I noticed recently that twitter showcases localized hashtags on what Nigerians are talking about on twitter at the moment. You get to see this on the left hand side of your twitter page. To activate this localized twitter trend, you need to indicate on your twitter profile settings that you are from Nigeria. That’s it! While there, remember to follow me @carolinewabara.

twitter hashtag trends in nigeria.PNG

Facebook Introduces Graph Search To Battle Google Search: But right now its in beta for those living in the U.S. Read the full scoop on what facebook graph means for your business.

Facebook introduces Conversion Measurement for Direct Response Marketers: Facebook conversion measurement allows advertisers to measure the ROI of their Facebook ads by counting relevant user actions, such as registrations and shopping cart checkouts, that are driven by people seeing an ads on Facebook. Get the full scoop from the Facebook studio.

2013 Digital Marketing Resolution For Nigerian Marketers: It’s 2013 and a great time to take stock of last year’s business success and failures, arrange your books and make smart digital marketing new year resolution in your career and business for 2013. Learn how to plan smart digital marketing decisions here.

8 Essential WordPress Tips For Nigerian Beginners: Did you know that your wordpress site can perform essential tasks such as; schedule page/blog posts for the future? Manage multiple blog contributors, embed videos & tweets, and move your blog posts from front page to another page on your site? If you haven’t used this list of cool features, you aren’t getting the most out of WordPress. Get the full scoop here.

Top 20 WordPress Plugins I Used the Most In 2012: Want to learn the top 20 wordpress plugins that powered my digital marketing blog in 2012? Here are my top 20 wordpress weapons.

Have a great week ahead.

About the Author:

Caroline is the CEO of, a Lagos-based Digital Marketing Agency that specializes in helping brands connect with their local customers through strategic content, search, mobile and social media marketing solutions. She is also the author of Digital Marketing For Nigerian Business Success. Follow her on twitter @carolinewabara

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