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What I Learned From a Month of Selling Clothes Online In Nigeria

What I Learned From a Month of Selling Clothes Online In Nigeria

I’m sure you must have seen me posting pictures of clothes and accessories from an Islamic fashion shop on my WhatsApp Status, right?

Like this:

And this:

Well, that was because I was tasked with promoting an e-commerce fashion shop to boost online sales. Since this was my first time doing so, here’s what I learnt:

20 Lessons Learnt From Selling Clothes Online In Nigeria:

1. Do market research.

2. Create your marketing strategy.

3. Create your sales process.

4. Hire a sales person who can communicate with your customers in a language they understand.

5. Get the tools to make it easy for website visitors to convert into buyers.

6. Bring your shop to your customers on their favourite channels.

7. Most times, not all sales happen online.

8. Make sure your content is relevant.

9. Research your competitors and other fashion niches are doing online and offline.

10. Create customer audiences from people who engaged with your website and retarget them with Google Adwords & Facebook Ads.

11. Create lookalike audience from your customer list and target them with Facebook ads.

12. Give yourself and your team a monthly & weekly sales target and monitor traffic, leads and sales report.

13. When your team hits the sales target, REJOICE!

14. But if you don’t meet the sales target, don’t be discouraged.

15. From your weekly report, find out what made you WIN and REPEAT The process.

16. From your weekly marketing report, find out what made your sales drop and create another plan

17. Test, test, test every strategy.

18. Most times your competitors’ strategy might not work for you. Be unique and stay ahead of the game.

19. Whet your audience’ appetite with pictures and videos of the clothes and accessories being worn by models.

20. Organize fan contests and challenges for brand awareness and reward your loyal fans with shopping vouchers or discounted coupons.

That’s some of the lessons I learnt from selling clothes online this April.

Do you have any more tips on boosting sales for an Islamic fashion shop? Share with me in the comments below.

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