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are online forms obsolete in nigeria

Are Nigerians Getting Tired of Filling Online Forms?

are online forms becoming obsolete

Are people getting tired of filling online forms (aka contact forms, registration forms, sign up forms, etc.)?

There’s something I’ve noticed ever since I installed a live chat bot called drift on my website.

The number of online form fills dropped. While the number of conversations on my live chat tool increased.

Are people becoming lazy to fill out forms? Or is that the latest trend now?

Interacting with live chatbots?

Why am I asking this question?

Yesterday, someone started chatting with me on Facebook messenger via the live chat on my website.

He was making inquiries about my social media consulting training (e.g. cost, duration, time).

As soon as I gave him the link to fill in the registration form to get those details.

He declined. His reason?

“Sorry madam, the process is too long. I just need the information right away. That’s all.”

I was forced to have the conversation with him on Facebook messenger platform.

Is this the new reality?

Are online forms becoming obsolete?

Is the live chatbot the new online form?

Same yesterday, a client of mine was thanking me for recommending the installation of @drift live chat on their e-commerce store.

Ever since then, they’ve been having sales conversations with their website visitors.

In his words:

“So you mean that people have been visiting our website and leaving without interacting with us? This live chat is awesome.”

I can’t deny that ever since I installed the chatbot on my website last year, I landed a B2B client with a long-term contract.

He didn’t bother to fill the contact form.

He simply left a short message via the live chat.

“Hi Caroline, I found you via LinkedIn. Here’s my phone number. Call me.”

As someone who loves to experiment.

I removed the contact form from a client’s website recently.

And replaced with the Facebook chat bot throughout his website.

Since then, people have been content with making inquiries and interacting with their company via the Facebook messenger.

It seems my experiment worked!

I’m thinking of removing the contact form on my website and replacing with a live chatbot.

If you want to know how the drift live chat works, here’s a video:

What do you think?

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