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Build Your Own Social Media Consulting Agency in Nigeria!

Discover How To Become A Highly-Paid Social Media Consultant In Nigeria & Get Hired By Companies To Build, Engage, & Convert Their Social Media Fans Into Loyal Brand Evangelists & Repeat Customers.

Dear Social Media Consultant,

Did you know that a record number of Nigerian companies are coming to social media to do business?

Nigerians are turning to social media for increased profits and businesses building as the offline economy stumbles and as people become more desperate to get out of the financial desperation they have been plunged into because of the failing offline economy.

Did you also know that more and more business owners are coming to realize that even though they are making big profits from their business website, they are still leaving money on the table if they don’t have a social media presence?

Did you know that 9 out of 10 local Nigerian businesses have no idea how to get their businesses set up on social media?

What Do These Powerful Trends Mean For You?

It means that without social media, online marketing simply doesn’t work...or sell near as well.

When you fuse Online and social together MAGIC happens for your local clients.

Suddenly, they are heads and shoulders above their competitors.

They get tons of new customers, their old customers spend more money with them and come in more often because they stay in contact with them and they have one person to thank and pay for their new-found success.


You see, Social Media Management Business is the business of helping an individual or independent entrepreneurs, small businesses and large companies manage their social media community for increase in likeability, visibility and sales.

As a Social Media Manager, you specialize in helping businesses to develop their social marketing strategy from content development to campaign deployment.

As a Social Media Manager, you are equipped with expertise in knowing what social media users want, and sometimes most individual entrepreneurs and small business owners would hire you to be the face of their brand.


As a Social Media Manager, you can provide a wide variety of services to businesses, from designing a facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest or foursquare page to engaging the audience, building their mailing list and pulling them to the business store or website for sales.

As a Social Media Manager, you can also direct paid social advertising programs by selling the space and tracking its effectiveness. Generally, when a company hires you, you'll be available for ongoing service such as posting updates, correcting errors, organizing contest, and changing contact information on their social networks when appropriate.

In a Nut Shell, What do you do as a Social Media Manager?

You get contracts to maintain build, design and develop the corporate social media pages of both small and large organizations.

You can help independent small time business owners who are just starting their business to promote their products or services to millions of Nigerian prospects on social media advertising platforms.

You help large companies, small business owners, and new business starters to maintain and update their social media pages with related contents that attract their audience (remember it’s all about the audience).

You get contracts to train company employees on social media marketing strategies - this is big business and profits for you.

You can position your social media consulting services to attract service fees that range from one-time setup charges to ongoing retainer fees or monthly consultation rates.


As a Social Media Manager you can position yourself as a marketing specialist as well.

You can position yourself as well-versed in what draws customers to a site and what will keep them there to conduct business with a company.

You may even work together with a company’s' marketing team, partner with another full-service ad consultancy or design complete campaigns for a business...

Gosh! I hope you can see the same cash inflow possibilities I am seeing as I show you what you can do as a Social Media Consultant?

And the Good news is, you do not need a University degree to become a social media manager!

Many of the people who build website for large corporate organizations and even your place of work do not have a University degree and they are making huge sums of money for just designing a website!

For building and maintaining just a Facebook and Twitter in a month, you can charge up to N300, 000 - yes, three hundred thousand Naira!

Imagine if you have just One Social Media Management job per month, let's calculate how much you can make together:

1. 1 Social Media Management Job * 1 month = N100, 000

2. 2 Social Media Management Jobs * 1 month = N200, 000

3. 3 Social Media Management Jobs * 1 month = N300, 000

Your potentials are limitless. Are you wondering in disbelief about the possibility of earning such huge amounts of money without a university degree?

Hear this

In case you don’t know it yet, many Nigerian companies are going online and they have budgeted billions of naira to put their business online.

The Trouble For Them Is...

They find it extremely hard to manage their social media presence or to locate people who can help them communicate with their audience on social media platforms!

They are desperately searching for such people and they are willing to throw huge sums of money at them.

All you need to do is position yourself right in front of them, tell them what you can do to help them and they will bend over and write you that cheque.

Question is, do you know what these companies and individuals want you to do before they bend over to write that cheque for you?

To help you answer the question above, I will introduce you to my special 3-Day Social Media Consulting training.


A 3-Day Intensive Social Media Consulting Business Training in Lagos

Why should you attend this Social Media Training?

Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Caroline Wabara and I have over 5 years of consulting experience under my belt in the online marketing industry, where I work to connect local Nigerian businesses and Customers together both on the internet and via their mobile devices.

I meet clients, usually from my blog, social media profiles, referrals, search engines, online advertising, or just hanging out at local business functions.

I show them a simple power point presentation and over 90% sign up INSTANTLY.

I always get paid up front, 6 months services PLUS a setup fee, this covers all one-time expenses and commissions to the person that referred the sale or for the online advert.

I deliver a wonderful value to my customers.



It’s time for you to rake it in. Starting now.

This training will take you by the hand and show you, step-by-step the exact process for making SERIOUS money using every possible low and no-cost Social Media consulting method (Hint: You’ll be attached to a Computer for Hands-on Practical Training)!

  • It will show you how to meet clients, via blogs, social networks, referrals, or via phone.
  • It will show you a simple presentation that makes over 80% of them to sign up INSTANTLY.
  • It will show you how to always get paid up front, 6 months services PLUS a setup fee, to cover all one-time expenses.
  • It will show you how to deliver a wonderful value to your customers by naturally converting their Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn fans into happy, paying customers.

I’m excited to share with you these strategies and tactics – there are 23 of them to be exact. In fact, you’ll learn WAY more than 23 tactics because, within each module, you’ll find plenty of actionable tips and tricks, too!

Here's What You'll Learn In This Course

Getting Started:

  • Why almost everything you’ve heard about social media is wrong.
  • How social media is CRUCIAL to local business success.
  • The 3 big reasons clients MUST use your services.
  • 6 Income Streams for the Nigerian Social Media Manager/Consultant


MODULE 1 – Understanding the Social Media Landscape:

  • Why all other traditional ad solutions are dead.
  • Why local businesses can’t live without Social Media.
  • How competition is lower now for local companies.


MODULE 2 – Building Your Brand as a Social Media Marketing Strategist.

  • Tools & Apps Needed To Make Your Social Media Branding Job Easier.


MODULE 3 – Getting Clients:

  • The Proposal That Captured Lagos Businesses’ Attention.
  • What to Say When They CALL.
  • The Questionnaire Is Your #1 Weapon.
  • How To Charge Based On Ease Or Difficulty.
  • Getting Your First Cheque.
  • Social Media Consulting Contract Template.


MODULE 4 – Building Your Clients’ Social Media Likeability:

  • How to Claim Your Clients’ Social Media Pages.
  • How to Dominate Social Media.
  • How To Build Your Clients’ Social Media Fan Base.
  • How To Develop Content That Converts Fans Into Participants.
  • How to Get Your Clients’ Fans to Visit the Page More Often.


MODULE 5 – How Your Client Makes Sales On Social Media:

  • Seasonal & Holiday Promotion Ideas That Turns Your Clients’ Fans Into Buyers.
  • Influencer Rewards for Loyalty.
  • How to Get Your Clients’ Fans to Refer Their Friends.


MODULE 6 – Managing Client Expectations:

  • Creating KILLER Client Reports.
  • Monitoring clients’ progress.
  • When to get clients’ testimonials.
  • Know clients to AVOID.
  • Other Services Your Clients Need, You Can Charge For.


MODULE 7 – Managing Your Business:

  • How to manage your time on a client by client basis.
  • Keeping organized records on each client.
  • Auto-billing your customers.


Why am I willing to teach you everything I know?

I’m a Lagos girl. I love Lagos and I am not moving, but I also know that what I’m doing in Lagos can be carbon-copied anywhere in Nigeria, so I have nothing to lose.

My only request is that you stay out of Lagos.

The GREEDY Caroline comes out... HA! Not really...

I also know that when enough of you are in the mix, meeting clients and making money in the business, you will surely stumble upon a WHALE.

A big national chain or something of the likes and I would like to partner with you and other social media marketers to service those customers nationwide. So building a HUGE network of Social media marketers is really important to my future plans.

What’s the Fee for this Social Media Consulting Training?

A ridiculous N50,000!

This is my first real info product whose mission is to underpromise and overdeliver. The price-tag I set for this training is CLEARLY going to do that.

I have seen much weaker local training sell for N150, 000 or more without live coaching.

The client getting system module alone is worth N100, 000 easy! This is a fantastic offer.

My coaching bonus is limited while we may sell Social Media Marketing course for some time to come, my coaching will only be for a limited time. If you are still seeing this message, coaching is still available and included.

So get ready to EXPLODE your career as a Social Media Manager/Consultant!

With this training, you’ll go from where you are now to a total rock star on Social Media at a pace you set for yourself…you’ll make it happen.

Even better, you’ll be prepared to change your Social Media fortunes for the whole of 2016 and beyond.

Are you ready to get started adding GENUINE clients to your Database… and make huge strides to real, measurable returns with Social Media Consulting?

Yes, Caroline! I want to learn how to build my brand as a Social Media Manager for Nigerian Companies using the marketing methods and sales secrets you’ve perfected over the last 5 years.

I understand you’ll walk me through exactly how to develop my own Leading Expert persona in the social media marketplace – then you’ll help me combine what I know with what the market already wants to buy!

Timing is EVERYTHING and yours is NOW!

There is no luck only great timing. All great businesses from Microsoft to Apple were successful mostly because of great timing. Social Media is HOT on this right now and you can believe other providers are going to be coming to the market, you have to act NOW.

Go right now to the form below to join Caroline and join this tidal wave.

This is going to be a heck of a ride...

Sign up to attend my Social Media Management course now risk-free.

Best wishes, I will see you at my training.

Caroline Wabara.

FACT: Easy is ALWAYS about Timing.

P.S. One word of warning... when the timing is right, success comes very easy and when that window passes, things become hard again. Today, this is easy.

If you miss this window in time, you could really miss out.

Plus, you know my coaching slots are limited. This will be so much easier.

Please DO NOT procrastinate! Join us NOW!

P.P.S. Remember it’s all good. Think about it. I have proved my system works, I’ve proved it works for other people all across the nation and I personally TRIPLE-GUARANTEE your success. This is a No-Brainer.

So what are you waiting for? Get off that fence!

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