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10 digital marketing interview questions nigerian employers do ask

10 Digital Marketing Job Interview Questions Nigerian Employers Ask

10 digital marketing interview questions nigeria employers do ask

In my previous article, I disclosed top 5 digital marketing skills that Nigerian companies are likely to hire in 2014. In this article, I will disclose top 10 job interviews questions that Nigerian employers are likely to ask before hiring a digital marketing executive.

These questions were gotten from my own experience. I do hope you will read through and have some smart answers up your sleeves once the job opportunity comes knocking on your door in 2014 and beyond. Be sure to add your own job interview experience in the comment box below:

10 Digital Marketing Interview Questions Nigerian Employers Do Ask:

1. What is your digital marketing framework or strategy for our organization?
2. What made you choose digital marketing as a career?
3. How well do you handle digital media crisis? Give us an example of a crisis you managed successfully?
4. What is SEO?
5. Give us 3 best SEO practices that help a company’s website rank from nothing to front page of Google?
6. If your company website’s SEO rankings suddenly went from 1st position to 3rd page on Google search and your boss is screaming, what would you do?
7. What major successful digital marketing campaigns have you handled in the past?
8. What ideas do you have in order to reduce your company’s Pay Per Click ads budget spending from $3,000 dollars a month to $2,500?
9. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What area of digital marketing are you really good or weak at?
10. Where do you see yourself in 3 years from now?

Your Turn:

Were these questions helpful? Happy Job Interviewing!

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  1. “What is your digital marketing framework or strategy for our organization?” – This one lets you understand how the interviewee thinks: holistic or meager?

    “What is SEO?” – This one is usually funny to hear, especially when the interviewee starts to repeatedly emphasise keywords. Boring.

    “If your company website’s SEO rankings suddenly went from 1st position to 3rd page on Google search and your boss is screaming, what would you do?” – Interviewee can’t cheat on this one. It’s either he knows it or doesn’t know it.

    “What major successful digital marketing campaigns have you handled in the past?” – Expect a lot of bounce rates here lol

    “What are your strengths and weaknesses? What area of digital marketing are you really good or weak at?” – If dude says “No I’m equally great in all aspects of DM”, and you go along with him, then it’s your risk to take take such likely dishonesty.

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