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5 Digital Marketing Skills Nigerian Companies Are Hiring

5 Digital Marketing Skills Nigerian Companies Are Hiring

Companies and Advertising agencies in Nigeria have started placing job vacancies on LinkedIn for these top digital marketing skills:

* Analytics
* Mobile Marketing
* Email Marketing
* Content Marketing
* Social Media Marketing.

See the infographic here:!

The question is, how qualified are you? What’s your strategy for getting hired by these companies?

Have you been honing your skills through constant practice? Have you taken any professional certification exams lately? They include;
* Inbound Marketing Professional Certification by Hubspot [Free]
* Google AdWords Certified Partners by Google [Free]
* Hootsuite University by Hootsuite [$21/month].

Do You Really Need These Certifications?

Whether you are an digital marleting agency, a consultant, freelance or employee, my advice is that you start taking these courses now, because sooner or later these companies will require these certifications as a yardstick for hiring you.

Make this your new year resolution for 2014.

Create your blog & start sharing content that solves your prospects’ problems & establishes you as an expert.

Re-visit your LinkedIn profile and update it with relevant information.

Read books and attend seminars that will help you attain your goal quickly. You can get started by getting a copy of my Digital Marketing & Social Media Consulting courses .

Lastly, keep improving yourself daily and have fun!

Happy Digital Marketing in 2014!

Your Turn:

Are you a Digital Marketing Professional? Which skills are your core strengths & what skill are you planning to learn in 2014? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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