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3 Lessons I Learned While Talking To A Nigerian Journalist

Earlier this month, I got featured on the weekend New Telegraph newspaper.

3 Lessons I Learned Talking To Nigerian Journalist

Here are 3 Lessons I Learned While Talking To A Nigerian Journalist

1. The power of LinkedIn:

The journalist connected with me on LinkedIn and then sent me a message, requesting for an interview. Isn’t that amazing what LinkedIn can do?

2. The power of being consistent on Social Media:

I learned that if I hadn’t blown my own trumpet, by consistently posting updates on my blog and via social media, I wouldn’t have been discovered. It was refreshing to know that people were actually watching my online activities.
For those of you who don’t like to toot your own horn, may I quote Golda Meir who said, “Don’t be so humble. You are not that great.”

3. The power of Nigerian PR:

I discovered the power of PR. Getting the media to tell their readers (your target audience) you are doing great things. Boom! My visibility and credibility started growing. I started receiving calls and requests for speaking events, more interviews and training.

I could go on and on, but you probably have a short attention span. So I will give you some game changing tips to help your Publicity grow.

What to do in order to get noticed by Nigerian Journalists:

1. Flesh out your website’s About Us page and your LinkedIn profile. Take a great portrait photograph. This makes the journalist’s job easier in writing a good story. You don’t want them guessing what you do. Do you?

2. Prepare your likely questions to answer. Such as:
Who are you?
What you do?
Why do you do what you do?
How did you get into your field?
How does what you do help your clients?
What is the current trend in your industry? etc.

3. Ask the journalist what kind of questions he/she will be asking you. So you can prepare ahead.

4. Lastly, buy the newspaper when it’s published, scan the page and share on your social media channels and blog. If that article is online, be sure to place link on your website’s press page.

5. Thank the journalist for featuring you in their editorial. You never know, you might need them someday in the nearest future.

Your Turn:

Have you gotten great results from chatting with the media? Please share in the comments below.

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