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25+ Google Analytics Dashboards for Nigerian Digital Marketers

25+ Google Analytics Dashboards for Nigerian Digital Marketers

google analytics dashboards nigeria
If you are setting up Google Analytics for monitoring your website’s traffic for the first time, you may notice that it can be confusing.
This could be due to the fact that you don’t know where to look, what metrics to measure.
Therefore, I compiled a list of cool Google Analytics dashboards so you can display your data in a fun, colourful and easy-to-understand reports.


How to Add Custom Dashboard to Your Google Analytics Account:
Make sure you are logged into your Google Analytics account, then click on any of the URLs below, for instance the ’70 Facts about Visitors by DashboadJunkie’.
You will see this image as shown below:
google analytics dashboard nigeria
Next, click on ‘select view’ to choose your analytics account and click the ‘create’ button.
You will see your custom dashboards under the ‘Reporting’ tab, look to your left.
Click on ‘Dashboard’ and select any of the custom metrics you want to look at, as shown in the image below.
google analytics dashboard nigeria
Easy isn’t it?


Discover 25+ Google Analytics Dasboards for Nigerian Marketers


70 Facts About Visitors by This gives you 70 facts about your website visitors. From the devices they used to in browsing your website, to the cities, countries and screen resolution. Here’s the link

Visitors Insight Dashboard by Yoast: This dashboard tells you about your website visitors’s location, sessions and bounce rate by source, unique visitors and more. Here’s the link


Visitors Technology: Like the name, it tells you all about your website visitors’ mobile or desktop devices. Here’s the link


Mobile Performance Analysis v2: This information can be found via ‘Custom Reports’ under ‘Customisation’ tab. It tells you all about your mobile visitors and how your pages performed on Google mobile search. Here’s the link


Browser Report: Under the customisation tab, this dashboard gives you details of the various browsers that your visitors used to browse your website. See the link


10 AdWords Performance by If you run Google AdWords campaigns and connected your Google AdWords with your Analytics account, this dashboard shows you the paid keywords that drove traffic to your website, ad groups, conversion rate and the cost per click. Here’s the link


AdWords Performance: Same as the AdWords performance by, it tells you the number of impressions and clicks, clickthrough rate, visits, keywords, ad spend, conversions and destination urls. Here’s the link

Adsense Performance Dashboard: This dashboard is for bloggers and publishers who want to monitor their Adsense revenue.

Brand Monitoring: Want to monitor your company’s branded keywords? This is the dashboard for you.


Content Marketing Dashboard: Want to know how your blog posts is gaining traction on the web? This dashboard shows you overall visits, top blog posts and keywords.


Content Efficiency Analysis v2: This custom report shows you your top page views, page load times and and bounce rates for each page


Engagement and Loyalty Dashboard: This dashboard tells you the most active day of the week, landing pages, engagement by device and more.


Email Dashboard: If you run email marketing campaigns using MailChimp and the rest, this dashboard shows you landing page performance, revenue generatedcampaign performance by country, etc.


Email Marketing Dashboard: This dashboard is more robust in that it shows you how long your email subscribers spent on your website, the number of pages they visited, comparison with other traffic sources and which campaigns are more effective.


SEO Dashboard: How many visits are you getting from the search engines? What are the top non-branded keywords? How many pages per visits? What are the top landing pages? Get your answers with this unique dashboard.


(not provided) Insights: This custom report is my secret weapon when showing clients their SEO report. Even though Google doesn’t provide the keywords, you can see the top landing pages and their page titles. The bounce rates and the number of pages per visit.


Keyword Analysis: I love this keyword too. While the ‘Not Provided’ Insights is for invisible keywords, this custom report shows you the visible keywords and their landing pages. If you set up your goals tracking in Google Analytics, you can measure the number of goals completions and conversion rate per keyword.


Site Usage / Quality: Measure every metric you need from browser bounce rate to top site content, top sources, browser quality and exit pages.


Social Media Dashboard: If you are a social media manager, this dashboard is for you


Link Analysis: Want to see the number of websites linking to your individual website pages or blog posts? This custom report shows you everything.


Referring Sites: This shows you the number of websites driving traffic to your website. Great for measuring backlinking strategy success


Source + Full Referral URL: You can track the source of website traffic and the full referral URL


Goal Breakdown Report: If you have goals tracking set up, you can see a full breakdown of goals per traffic source and medium.


Conversions per City: You can measure which city converts the most and decide on where to spend your advertising dollars.


Campaign Conversions & Cost: Ran a Google AdWords campaign recently? This dashboard shows you how much was spent along with number of goal completions


Hours & Days: What hour of the day did people visit your website the most? Find out using this custom report

Site Performance Dashboard: Find out how fast your page loads across various devices, browsers, popular pages and countries.

Additional Google Analytics Resources:



Become a Smarter Digital Marketer in Nigeria Training


  1. Great post! I’ve just started learning to use Google Analytics. This should be very helpful

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