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Why You Should Put God First In Your Business

I decided to write this article “Why You Should Put God First in Your Business,” due to a series of incidents that happened to me this year. It’s a lesson that no matter what you do, no matter what efforts you make in running your business, you can’t be successful unless with the help of God.

Why do I say this? I noticed on several occasions that no matter how hard I try to promote my business to prospects, if the grace of God is not on my business, nobody takes notice or bothers to do business with me. But immediately I pray fervently to God to favour me and grant me paying customers, miracle happens!

All of a sudden, I get calls from people I’ve never met in my life requesting to buy my ebooks or hire my services. Best of all, my customers are happy satisfied with my services and continue doing business with me. In spite of the numerous competitors who try to snatch them from me. My valuable customers remain loyal.

I begin to ask myself, why is this so? How come with all the efforts I made in taking the guru’s advice and using all the latest technology in marketing my business, still nobody took notice? Sometimes, prospects call to find out more about my business and end of story. No sale.

Then I got my answer. God is trying to remind me that no matter the human efforts I make, as long as I don’t consult him first. It’s all in vain!

Since then, I have made it my point of duty to take away my selfish pride and kneel down in fervent prayer before my God to take absolutely charge of my daily business, my life, my family, my relationships and everything else.

I remind him that I have no strength to make it on my own. His positive word is enough to turn around any difficult situation to success for me.

So my dear reader, take this message to heart. Start presenting your daily activities before God first thing each and every morning and see your life turn around for the better.

If you have experienced great success with God’s favour in your work, family, life or business, I would love to hear about your life experiences and be encouraged. Please share in the comments below.


  1. Very true we can’t do without God. He’s our Alls. This happens to me personally too. And another point; the phrase that says Givers Never Lack should also be believeable. The more we give, the more we receive

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