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Why Google Maps Is The GoldMine For Local Nigerian Business

Dear reader, do you run a business? What do I mean by running a business?

It includes: plumber, teacher, actor, tailor, supermarket, restaurant, trader, importer/exporter, web designer, carpenter, singer, dancer, fine artist, electrician, lecturer, boutique, garbage truck collector, bank, speaker, wedding planner, event manager, medical doctor, consultant, travel agent, caterer, image consultant  and list is endless…

Every single one of them is classified as a business. Now I ask again, do you run any of these businesses or talents? If your answer to my question is yes, Then here is my next question.

Can Your Customers locate Your Small Business on Google Maps & Places?

Yes? No? Why do I ask this question? The reason is because, recently, I went out to market my web-marketing services to local businesses residing in Lagos, Nigeria. When I mentioned Google local search, I discovered that 9 out of 10 of these local business owners had no clue what Google maps was all about, much less how to get their businesses listed on online maps.

They also have no idea that millions of hungry Nigerian buyers are seriously looking for these businesses on their mobile phones. But the information they get is scanty. How sad! if only they knew earlier.

Do You Know What That picture below means?


The above image is a google local map of local businesses, located in Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria that is currently listed on Google maps.

The encircled business address ( is mine with a link to my website’s landing page with my hotline.

It came up on the front page of Google local search engine under the “web designer category, Surulere, Lagos.”

See what this single business listing has been resulted for my business:

  • So many potential customers searching for information on businesses offering certain services around surulere – lagos, have been able to locate my business on Google maps via their mobile phones. Simply by typing specific keywords that describes what my business offers, which includes; web services, bulk sms, video, website designer, sms etc. (mobile + local search = more publicity). My phone has not stopped ringing ever since. I think I need a receptionist to start taking those calls for me.
  • Potential customers can click on my website url and land on my mobile-friendly website with ease using their mobile phones to learn more about my products and services and make a purchase (online/mobile website traffic + more leads conversion = online sales).
  • Potential customers can walk into my location to patronize my services (offline traffic + more leads conversion = offline sales).
  • I get to capture new prospects’ contact details on my mobile phone and mobile website for future follow-ups via email marketing, sms marketing, face-to-face meetings with my contacts.

Google local maps/search sends me free traffic, news leads, new customers and repeated sales unlike the normal search. Isn’t that great?

Can you now see that when you fuse Google local search and mobile together MAGIC happens for your local business? Can you see that the SEO competition is lower now for local companies?

Suddenly, you are head and shoulders above your bigger competitors. You get tons of new customers; your old customers spend more money with you and come in more often because you stay in contact with them.

Now you can see why local businesses can’t live without Google, huh? Would you like your business to witness the same miracle like mine? If yes, Here’s what I will do for you for a whole month:

  1. Claim and List your business information on Google places and PING your maps listing to your places page, so that your business can dominate mobile search results.
  2. I will create a simple mobile landing website with sms and email autoresponder for capturing your new customer’s contact details.
  3. Gather and deliver statistics from your Google dashboard, to see how your business is faring.
  4. I will also create coupons for selling your products and services at irresistible discount.
  5. You will also get a custom facebook fan page, foursquare page and twitter page to further promote your business.

I help local Nigerian businesses and Google connect both on the internet and via their mobile devices. I also deliver a wonderful value to my customers. You can be sure of being on the first page of Google’s organic search result.

Why I am willing to help you? Because I want your business to compete shoulder to shoulder with those big guys out there. You don’t need to be a big brand or have lots of cash to spend on online marketing anymore.

So what’s the price?

A pretty penny – N15, 000! My mission is to under-promise and over-deliver. The price-tag I set for this service is CLEARLY going to do just that.

This is a fantastic offer which is also limited from now till the 7th of October, 2011. 

Timing is EVERYTHING and yours is NOW!

There is no luck only great timing. All great businesses from Microsoft to Apple were successful mostly because of great timing. Google is HOT on this right now and you can believe other providers are going to be coming to the market =, you have to act NOW.

Go right now to the order page  for payment details on how to join this tidal wave. This is going to be a heck of a ride…

Try my Mobile Local service now risk-free.

Best wishes, I will see you on the other side…

Caroline Wabara.

FACT: Easy is ALWAYS about Timing.

P.S. One word of warning… when the timing is right, success comes very easy and when that window passes, things become hard again. Today, this is easy. If you miss this window in time, you could really miss out. Please DO NOT procrastinate! Order NOW!

P.P.S. Remember it’s all good. Think about it. I have proved my system works, I’ve proved it works for other people all across the nation and I personally TRIPLE-GUARANTEE your success.

N.B: Do you want to learn how to do this yourself? I have a tutorial for it. It costs N3,500.

Click Here To Order Now!

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