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This Week in Social Media for Nigeria Businesses

A series of events occurred in social media this week that  every serious Nigerian business owner must not overlook.  Read on and let’s know your views about the changes in the comments box below.

Facebook Adds Comments Editing Feature:


Google plus adds event feature at


Facebook adds wordpress plugin integration for wordpress site owners at –


Linkedin adds publication feature for authors and publishers.


Facebook adds voice feature for page admins who want post as individuals.

Twitter divorces linkedin and pulls the plug on auto-publishing tweets to linkedin profile:

I received the shocking news just like everybody else in my inbox. LinkedIn explained how one can continue sharing updates on both social networks. and it goes thus:

How can I continue to share updates on both LinkedIn and Twitter? Simply start your conversation on LinkedIn. Compose your update, check the box with the Twitter icon, and click “Share.” This will automatically push your update to both your LinkedIn connections and your Twitter followers just as before.

What changes can I expect to see on LinkedIn? Any conversation you start on Twitter will no longer be automatically shared with your LinkedIn network, even if you synced your LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.

If you would like more information about what this means for your synced LinkedIn and Twitter accounts, please visit our related Help Center topics.


Pinterest allows you to pin photos from flickr, slideshare, soundcloud and youtube to your pinterest boards for more traffic.


WordPress upgrades to 3.4.1

That’s all for this week, now is there any new social media update that I missed? Will you be implementing these new feature soon? Let us know in the comments box below.

Happy social media marketing.

Follow me on twitter @carolinewabara

Does your small business have its eye on social media but don’t know how to get started? It’s time to go back to school and get closer to your consumer with these digital marketing ebooks by Caroline Wabara

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