Join The SEO Agency Workshop Starting March 6th - March 28th

The Christmas Sale is ON!

I’ve been giving you notice about the insane bargains on offer during my annual Christmas Sale.

Now, it’s on. And just look at the first offer:

Grab one of my best-selling books in 2012, in digital format. Titled:

  •  Digital Marketing For Nigerian Business Success – Your guide to finding and converting your prospects into lifetime customers using 15 digital marketing ideas and tools. (digital)

Normally, that would set you back #3,000 NGN … NOW ONLY #1,500NGN!

You have less than 24 hours to snap up this deal – and bagfuls more of Christmas bargains to salivate over as we approach Santa’s big day out.

Pay into any branch of GTBank Plc in favour of:
Account Name: Caroline Wabara
Account No: 0017405509

Text coupon code: “DAY1” + “Product Name” + “GTBank Teller No” + Your Name + Email to 08064629668. The ebook shall be sent to your inbox in 30 minutes.

P.S: Remember this deal is only available for 24 hours. So be quick! We’ll be in touch tomorrow with another amazing deal.

It’s a goodie with a SAVING of 50%!

Chat tomorrow.

Caroline Wabara.
Dreaming of a white christmas!

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