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Tag Your Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin & Instagram Friends

Tag Your Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin & Instagram Friends

Do you want to build social interactions on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn? Here’s how to grab your Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn friends’ or business contacts’ attention and invite them to join your conversation on the following social networks through tagging or mention techniques.

Facebook Profile/Page Tagging:

You can mention your Facebook friend’s name both in your updates and in the comments. You can do this by typing the ampersand symbol (@) before a friend’s name, then Facebook will automatically show a drop-down list of your friend’s names and photos for you to pick the exact person.

As a Facebook page admin, you can mention a page’s name or location in your updates. Also you can mention your fan’s name in the comments box.

Another method is to tag your friends’ names to images posted in your profile or page’s timeline.


Linkedin Mention:

Recently, this professional social network enabled the LinkedIn mention feature to increase social interaction among its LinkedIn members. However, it follows the Facebook technique of tagging only your personal contacts and not outsiders as seen on Twitter and Google+.

When typing an update in your LinkedIn box, simply type a first name and wait for LinkedIn to generate a drop-down menu of your personal contacts. Then pick the right person, complete your update and post. Or, you can place the “@” before your contact’s name. Your LinkedIn contact will get an alert about the mention and respond.

Twitter Tagging:

You can tag your friends or brands’ twitter handle to a tweet using the “@” symbol. For example: I saw @carolinewabara buying movie tickets at @filmhouseng. When you do this, twitter notifies your friend or the brand of the mention and it’s left for them to respond to the tweet.

Instagram Tagging:

Recently, this mobile photo-sharing app added people-tagging to its photos. When you upload a photo to Instagram, you can call your friend’s attention to it by clicking on the”add people” tab, then tap the photo to add your friend’s name. You can also add their Instagram handle or name (e.g. @carolinewabara) to the post.

Google+ Tagging:

Add your Google+ friends’ names to a post by placing a plus sign “+” in front of their names (e.g. +Caroline Wabara). Google+ will automatically hyperlink the name and send an email alert to your contact.

There you have all you need to increase engagement on your favourite social networks listed above.

Now Your Turn:

Did I leave out any other social network? Please share how we can engage our friends.

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