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Steve Jobs: If You Died Today, Would The World Miss You?

The world woke up to the news of the death of a tech icon and business man – Steve Jobs (1955 – 2011). The world applauded him as a visionary who lived way too far before his time. He invented high-tech gadgets that changed our personal, work and business lives. His inventions includes the ipod, ipad 1 and 2, iPhone, iTunes amongst others. Who would have thought that one could carry around personal computer in ones pocket with ease and transact your business on the go? But this man was able to convert the normal heavy computer we all know into a flat tablet or smartphone through his invention of the iPad and iPhone.

Because of him, we could play millions of songs on the go through the iPod instead of the old stereo or radio.

With all this said and done, it got me asking myself these questions:

If I die today, would the world miss me?

What would the world say about me that I accomplished?

Have I changed the way the world does things?

Have I touched anyone’s life in a positive way?

Well I guess these soul-searching questions applies to you as well. It’s left for us all to answer these questions and change our lives and the lives of others around us for the better.

How? By writing down your mission and vision statement for work and life. This should put you on the right path.

So my friend, let us all strive to make our families, society, country and the whole world very proud of us. Let them wish that we live forever, just the way Steve Jobs, Mother Theresa, Mandela and our Lord Jesus Christ lived.

I hope you all have learnt a thing or two from this article and the life of Steve Jobs. I wish you success in all your endeavours. Don’t stop doing good and don’t be distracted by the bombings, strife and hatred going on all around you.

Stay true to your mission and vision statement.

Happy Living!

By the way, what’s your mission statement for positive impact in your work, businesss or personal life?

Follow me on twitter – @carolinewabara

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