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Solid Digital Marketing For Nigerian Business Success In 2012

Do you run a business? Is your business lacking publicity, leads, and sales? Your product/service is not the problem. Your current marketing strategy sucks! That’s why your customers are not willing to do business with you.

Therefore, It’s time to upgrade your marketing strategy and position your business for success, if you want to be relevant in 2012 and beyond.

Solid Digital Marketing equals to more revenue in your business.

Why Should You Bother With Digital Marketing?

  1. The playing field has been leveled. You don’t have to be a big brand to leverage the digital media.
  2. Your online marketplace is buzzing right now with 82% of your potential customers already on browsing through search engines, mobile sites, social networks (facebook, twitter, youtube, linkedin, and blogs) and review sites.
  3. They’re currently using their mobile phones to browse the internet in order to research, ask questions & get valuable information on recommended products/services like yours to buy or to solve their problems.

You can see that your customers are ready to buy from you. The question is – are you ready to sell? Is your business fully-optimized and positioned to listen to their needs, interact with them, solve their problems, gain their trust, influence them and help them make that purchase decision?

If not, I recommend that you get this ebook titled “Digital Marketing for Nigerian Business Success.”

In this Ebook, you will discover how to:

  • Attract Daily Publicity To Your Business.
  • Capture Targeted Leads.
  • Build Long-Lasting Relationship And Trust With Your Audience.
  • Convert Your Leads Into Customers & Boost Repeat Sales.
  • Get Positive Feedback from your happy customers.
  • Monitor Your Brand’s Influence & Reputation.
  • Measure Your Business’ ROI (Return On Investment).

You get to learn and achieve all these through the following proven methods:

  • Social Media Marketing,
  • Content Marketing
  • Video Marketing,
  • Email Marketing,
  • Mobile Marketing,
  • Whitepaper Marketing,
  • Webinar Marketing,
  • Local Marketing,
  • Press Release Marketing,
  • High Conversion E-commerce Website.
  • Podcast Marketing.
  • Customer Relationship Management.
  • Search Engine Optimization & Marketing.
  • Daily Deals.
  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising.
  • Forums Marketing
  • Web Analytics.

How Much Does Ebook Cost?

This Ebook Costs N3,500. But you can get it at N2000. So act fast, as this offer is valid until the 30th of November, 2011.

How To Order This Ebook:

Visit for details on how to make your payment.

After making your payment, your ebook shall be sent to your email address within 60 minutes.

Got questions? Contact me here.

P.S: Are you ready to become relevant in 2012 and beyond? Then Grab this ebook today  this week and see your business turn around for the better. Learn what works and what doesn’t in this ebook.

To your online marketing success!

Caroline Wabara.

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