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#SMWLagos Social Media Week Lagos 2014 Begins Today

#SMWLagos: Social Media Week Lagos 2014 Begins (17 – 21 Feb)

The second edition of Social Media Week Lagos 2014 (@SMWLagos) officially kicks off in Lagos and around the world today.

This annual event runs till the 21st of February, 2014.

Get more details on:

  • What events & classes will take place,
  • The speakers, partners and attendees of this event,
  • Where the event will take place.

Social Media in Nigeria has come a long way and is here to stay. If your business is not on Social Media, I wonder what you are waiting for?

My advice is that you don’t miss this event for anything in the world. Once you’ve attended the event and still need more guidance with planning, implementing and measuring your overall social media marketing strategy, click here and let’s talk.

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