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10 Things You Must Get from Your Nigerian Web Developer Now!

6 Things You Must Get from Your Nigerian Web Developer Now!

Recently, I was at a client’s office to discuss social media strategy for his hair extension brand. Then the idea for redesigning his website came up. So we decided to look up his site for changes to be made, and then we saw a message that said domain name has expired.

Ghen ghen! An awkward moment. He called his web developer’s phone number several times, not reachable. After the hundredth phone call, he remembered that his web developer once told him that he was planning to leave Nigeria to start a new life abroad.

To cut a long story short, he finally reached the web developer via email and got his website online. Has this scenario ever occurred to you or anyone you know? If not, then pay attention.

Here are 6 important things you need to get from your web developer right now:

  1. Access to domain name registration account
  2. Access to web hosting account
  3. Unrestricted access to your website’s backend or dashboard
  4. Gmail account login details
  5. Google analytics, webmaster and AdWords login details
  6. Social Media channel login details

That’s it for this post. Remember, ignorance is not bliss. Don’t fall victim like my client. You may not be as lucky he was. What if your web developer drops off the face of this earth? What will happen to your online business? Call your web developer – now!

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