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How Tonprecon Oil Landed Major Customer via Google AdWords

Recently, the CEO of Tonprecon Oil & Gas Services Ltd, a major provider of oil spillage clean-up, dredging and AGO solutions for major oil and gas companies in Nigeria, hired my digital marketing services to launch their business online.

Being a new company, they needed a long-lasting solution to enable them brand their company and stay ahead of their numerous competitors in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. I gladly took on this project of telling their story to the world.

I began by developing their website – – and went on to build, connect, engage and influence their social media community on facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, foursquare, and Google plus.

I suggested that we use Google AdWords to advertise one of their latest AGO (Automotive Gas Oil) products to interested buyers. So, I setup Google AdWords campaign for one month using targeted keywords and strong call to action.

Bam! It happened! Within two weeks, my client received a call from South Africa requesting for their AGO product. I learnt they discovered my client’s advert on Google search, clicked through their website’s landing page for more information about my client’s company, did a background check on the company to verify it’s a registered company in Nigeria. When their findings came back positive, they contacted my client and travelled down to Nigeria to sign a legal oil contract worth millions of naira!

Now that’s what I call’s digital marketing strategy at its best.

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