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How To Find New Customers Offline & Sell More In 2012

Let’s think of it, statistically, 92% of purchases are not done on the web, but in the real world. So if you plan to find new customers in 2012, you would have to do it the old fashioned way – direct face-to-face marketing!

SEE ALSO: Good Customers: 12 Online & Mobile Ways to Find & Keep Them

To get started, I would like you to sit down, put the iPhone or blackberry way, stop looking at the iPad or PC, have a personal grooming, iron your clothes, polish your shoes and do the following tips:

1.     Work out what your product or service does for people in a maximum of six words. Like, “it saves time”, “it saves money”, “it makes your work easier”.

2.     Work out who might buy it and do a customer profile. For instance, are they old or young people? Is my product for men or women or both? Married people or singles? … Not hard at all to figure out.

3.     Decide who your competitor is and find points of difference between your own product or service and theirs… “Better? Faster? Cheaper? Reliable? Durable?”

4.     Pick up the phone and start telling people about it with excitement. It all boils down to contacting people and telling your story… in person.

5.     Go read a Brian TRACY, Dale Carnegie, Donald Trump or Robert Kiyosaki’s books to start thinking big and start kicking ass in your business!

6.     Make your sales pitch interesting by writing a killer sales letter, advert or sms message to your prospects. Make it look like if they don’t buy from you, they will become losers…they will miss out.

Are you shy? Not suited to selling? That’s okay. So was I when I began my career in salesmanship, selling life insurance policy for a Nigerian insurance company to difficult Nigerian prospects. I remember back then in 2006, just fresh from the university, I was so scared going out to meet people that I had never met in my life to talk about my company’s products. But I had to figure out how to overcome my fear of rejection.

In the end, I read this famous saying by Donald Trump:

“Fear makes a wolf look bigger than it really is.”

So you see that it’s not the fear of doing it that holds you back. It’s the fear of facing the fact that you couldn’t even try.

Do you have more customer hunting tips to share with us? I value your opinion. Please with us in the comments below.

I wish you happy customer hunting and profitable selling in the New Year 2012.


About The Author:

Caroline Wabara providers Nigerian businesses with affordable digital marketing solutions that help them connect with their fans and customers in more meaningful and profitable ways via the internet, mobile and local. You can learn more about her online marketing solutions here.

You can follow Caroline on her facebook page, twitter, linkedin, Google+ and on her blog.

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