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How To Be A Highly-Paid Social Media Manager For Nigerian Brands

Smart Nigerian companies have started to realize that Social media participation is a must if they want to get publicity, capture new leads, communicate directly with fans and convert them into lifetime customers or brand evangelists.

But time is a major factor hindering them from achieving their social media marketing goals. They don’t have all the time in the world to monitor what fans are saying about their brands ,  much less engage these fans with exciting posts that makes them take action or become buyers.

This is where a social media manager comes in! As a social media manager, your job is to become the “face or spokesman” of your client’s company. You do this by telling attractive stories that gets your fans talking, liking, sharing and buying.

Nigerian Companies are ready to pay huge money to qualified social media managers who can take care of their online community. I know because I am in the field and I have clients in the oil and gas, logistics, beauty and electronics industry who pay me to build, engage, and influence their facebook, twitter & pinterest community.

So how do you become a Highly-paid social media manager for Nigerian Brands? I’ll tell you in seven easy steps.

SEE ALSO: Case Study: Perfect Hair Puts Social Media Community To Work

1.      Have the Communication Skills & Passion: To qualify for this you must have the magic of communicating with people, copywriting and persuasive skills, good listener, sense of humour and the passion to succeed in this business.

2.      Do online research: I didn’t wake up one morning and started just start the business! I stumbled on this idea while surfing on the internet for after-support services a web designer can offer her clients. So I began to brainstorm and drummed up more services that I could offer my clients (which you can find on my digital marketing services page) and that was how my career as a social media manager was born! So my advice is that you spend time doing research and reading related books and blogs on the subject to get more clarity. Also follow the experts on twitter and facebook page to learn more. You can start by following me on twitter @carolinewabara.

3.      Get your pricing right: Once you have acquired the knowledge and made your career choice, decide on your pricing by calculating the cost of social media marketing and management and know your profit at the end of the month.

4.      Build Your Brand as a Social Media Manager: My ideal tools includes; a keyword-rich blog that is search-engine and human-friendly, create your social media profiles on facebook, twitter, linkedin, foursquare, google+ and pinterest. Make sure you fill out your bio with the services you render and your blog’s url included, upload a good photo  in the avatar and sync your social media profiles with each other. Then start connecting with others in your community by blogging, posting and tweeting valuable information, discussing hot topics/trends and helping others achieve their goals, this will make people begin to see you as an expert. At the same time, let your friends know what you do for a living and how to contact you. Have fun doing it.

5.      Source for clients: If you have started doing the following in step 4, then you won’t have a problem sourcing for clients. You could also try targeting a specific audience through the use of facebook adverts. With as little as $10 you could get new leads. Then try contacting and telling your old clients, family and friends about the services you render. i got my present clients through networking on facebook and referrals from family & friends. Another method is to search local business pages on facebook, take a critical look at their pages for any problem then contact the company via phone or email with your proposal to help them manage their community and increase sales. This method has worked for me too.

6.      Managing Your Clients’ Community: Once you have landed the contract, ask your clients what goals they would like to achieve with social media marketing and then go ahead to create their pages. Then start engaging the fans by using creating posts such as motivational quotes, promotional messages, Q & A topics, free giveaways, attractive company photos, tips on how to utilize the company’s products and services. These types of posts will get your clients’ fans talikg, liking, retweeting, and sharing in no time, thereby making your client’s brand likeable on social media. For twitter, make use of the hashtag (#) followed by keyword.

7.      At the End Of The Contract: Send your clients an infograph of the step-by-step progress you made with their accounts . They will definitley love you for this. Don’t forget to ask them if your marketing had any impact on their bottomline. Ask questions like if anyone contacted them for more inquiries, any new prospects, new sales? These questions will help you fine-tune your marketing skills and more. Also, don’t forget to ask them if they would like to renew their contract with you. There you have on how to make a successful career out of social media marketing. The good of it all is that my clients do give me good testimonies and reviews about my work and the best part is that they always renew their contract with me. So it’s a win-win situation here.

Goodluck in your social media career.

If you’d like to gain further knowledge on how to get hired by Nigerian Companies to successfully build, engage, influence and convert their social media communities into loyal brand evangelists and lifetime customers, call 08064629668 to register for a one-on-one coaching session on Social Media Consulting.

Can’t attend a live class due to distance? You can order the ebook



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