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How Fast Does Your Website Load on a Desktop or Mobile Browser?

Do you have any idea how fast your website loads on a desktop or mobile browser? Having a fast loading website is essential if you want your visitors to remain on your site for a longer period of time and not hit the back button. Why? Because the average time an online user spends on a website when browsing via their desktop or mobile phones is just in milliseconds!

It’s sad but it’s a reality in our present age. Today’s user has up to 5 pages opened on their browser at the same time. This means he has just a few minutes to flip between the whole 5 pages at a time.

Imagine a scenario when that visitor happens to visit your website for the very first time, and your site page loads like a crawling snail. If it were me, I would simply hit the back button, because I don’t have the whole time in the world to spare. That means the site has lost another valuable and potential prospect that would have turned into a long-term subscriber and possibly a customer.

So how do you detect how fast your site loads on a desktop or mobile browser? Simple, Google launched a lab called Page Speed Online that measures your site’s page speed on both desktop and mobile browsers, which gives your site a score of 1 to 100.

They don’t stop just there, they also give you advice on how to optimize your website for better speed load.

I gave them a try and my blog got a good score of 79 out of 100 page speed on a desktop from google. And a score of 75 out of 100 page speed on a mobile device as shown in the image below.

Cool huh? I guess this could be due to the kind of wordpress plugins I use in powering my blog.

They also gave me some advice on work that needed to be done in the range of high, medium and low priority. As shown below:

  • High priority. These suggestions represent the largest potential performance wins for the least development effort. However, there are no high priority suggestions for this site. Good job!
  • Medium priority. These suggestions may represent smaller wins or much more work to implement. You should address this item next:
    Leverage browser caching
  • Low priority. These suggestions represent the smallest wins. You should only be concerned with these items after you’ve handled the higher-priority ones:
    Specify a cache validator, Optimize images, Minify CSS, Specify a Vary: Accept-Encoding header
  • Rules without suggestions. There are no suggestions for these rules, since this page already follows these best practices. Good job!

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So tell me, did you measure your page load? What was your website page speed test score? Please share it with us in the comments box below. Join me on facebook.

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