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Wishing All Nigerians A Fantastic Christmas Break & A Prosperous 2013

caroline wabara picI just wanted to wish all my Nigerian followers, clients, and everyone a very Merry Christmas 2012.

It’s been an exciting year of growth and opportunities for business and for me personally. It’s been so encouraging to see new and innovative online businesses popping up and thriving despite a tough climate. Entrepreneurship is alive and kicking in Nigeria, and many young Nigerians in particular are leading the way. And that’s an exciting prospect as we come into a new year.

Starting my own business really transformed my life and, as I’ve said before, I would urge anyone with a strong idea, passion and drive to go out there and create their own future.

I am looking forward to new challenges in 2013 and will be sharing my journey with you along the way. So for now, relax and enjoy the Christmas break and watch this blog in the new year.

Happy Ho Ho Holidays!

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