Join The SEO Agency Workshop Starting March 6th - March 28th

Facebook Pages Comment With Photos & Other Social Media Stories

Facebook Pages Comment With Photos & Other Social Media Stories

This past week has been quite eventful for our Social Media Giants, making tweaks here and there. Here are a few of them I captured below. Enjoy.

1. Facebook Makes Graph Search Available to everyone.

2. Instagram Adds Embed codes to its photos. Now you can embed your Instagram photos on any website.

3. Google Play Store Wears A New and Refreshing Look.

4. Facebook Pages have gotten the ability to add Photos in the comments box, just like Facebook Profiles.

5. LinkedIn Page Admins can Like and Comment on their own Posts.

6. Two of Nigeria’s Online Retail Store Giants – Jumia and Konga – celebrate one year anniversary. It has been an eventful year for them. Congrats to them for gaining the confidence of Nigerians.

That’s it for this week. See you next week for more stories.

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