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Facebook Graph Search For Nigerians: A Great Tool (Gallery)

In my last post, I wrote about a new feature that Facebook launched earlier in 2013 to make social search a breeze for all Facebook users. It’s called the “Facebook Graph Search.” With this tool, you can search for favorite restaurants, friend photos or music, friends living in Lagos, etc.

A few days ago, I joined the waiting list for the Facebook Graph Search, which was only available to those living in the US. Today, I discovered to my greatest delight that I’ve been taken off the waiting list and ready to start using the Graph Search tool. Check out the screen shots below:

facebook graph search for nigerians

Facebook Graph Search took me on a Tour. I also noticed that my notification bar for new friend requests and new messages has been moved from the top-left hand side to the top-right. And replaced with “Search for people, places and things.” As shown below:

facebook graph search for nigerians take a tour

It showed me how to search for people, places and interests:

facebook graph search for nigerians search for friends interests

facebook graph search for nigerians search for friends interests 1

facebook graph search for nigerians search for photos places and music of my friends

I decided to test the tool myself, and it was mind-blowing! I typed the following search query “friends who like digital marketing in Lagos.” The result was a web search powered bing search engine (Facebook’s search partner), my digital marketing website showed up in its search result with the total number 0f friends who live in Lagos and liked my site. Here is the result below:

facebook graph search result for friends who like digital marketing in lagos

Now Your Turn:

Have you activated your Facebook graph search button? What was your experience? How do you see it compared to Google search? Sound off your comments in the box below.

About the Author:

Caroline is the CEO of, a Lagos-based Digital Marketing Agency that specializes in helping brands connect with their local customers through strategic content, search, mobile and social media marketing solutions. She is also the author of Digital Marketing For Nigerian Business Success. Get expert help marketing and advertising your company and offerings today. Follow her on twitter @carolinewabara.

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