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Some of you have asked what wordpress plugins I use to power Well below are the 17 WordPress plugins that are active right now to power this site.

  1. IFRAME Embed For YouTube – This plugin adds a quicktag on WordPress Post Editor which will add the capability to embed Youtube Videos thru IFRAME. All you need to do is insert the URL of your youtube video and you are ready to go. Click here to view it live on my blog page.
  2. Akismet –  this is the single most important plugin for any WordPress blog if you want to moderate comments in a sane manner. It effectively blocks all the spam which hundreds of bots keep posting everyday. We get thousands of spam comments each day, and without Akismet managing comments would be impossible. Click here to view it live on my blog.
  3. Wapple Architect this is my favorite plugin for reaching out to my blog readers who visit my blog through their mobile phones. Wapple Architect Mobile Plugin for WordPress is a plugin that allows you to optimize your blog for the mobile search and mobile phone readers on the go in minutes. After activating this plugin visit the settings page and enter your Wapple Architect Dev Key. So if you own a mobile phone, you can read or search for my blog posts on your mobile with ease.
  4. WPtouch this is yet another vital wordpress plugin which formats my site with a mobile theme for visitors on Apple iPhone / iPod touch, Google Android, Blackberry Storm and Torch, Palm Pre and other touch-based smartphones.
  5. All in One SEO – claims to be an out of the box SEO plugin. It fixes all your titles and relevant meta tags to help your blog get higher search engine rankings. No wonder it is the most download wordpress plugin. WordPress expert can manually fix a lot of code themselves, but for most bloggers this does the SEO job in one click.
  6. Adsense Optimizer – this plugin automatically adds Google Adsense ads in-between blog posts of my blog. Thereby creating daily income for me.
  7. Easy Privacy Policy – is a wordpress plugin that automatically adds a privacy policy page to my blog. It includes an Adsense compliancy section. See it live on my privacy policy page.
  8. Most Popular Posts – This plugin automatically displays most popular posts under each posts based on the post views. See it live on one of my blog posts.
  9. Affiliate Easel for Amazon – this plugin is an affiliate helper and site builder for Amazon affiliates. After Activation, simply add your affiliate ID and keys on the admin page. See it live on my online store page. Visit the BookSpree site for complete information about Affiliate Easel for Amazon.
  10. Digg Digg – this wonderful plugin is an All-in-One social voted buttons By Yong Mook Kim. It integrates social bookmark buttons on each of my blog posts such as facebook like, linkedin, tweetmem, stumbleupon, dig, etc. See it live on my blog post.
  11. Evermore –  this is a simple way to abbreviate all posts when viewed on multiple post pages. This makes all posts behave as if there is a “<!–more–>” at an appropriate spot inside the content. See it live on our front page.
  12. Google XML Sitemaps –  This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and to better index your blog. It regularly updates your sitemap whenever your posts or pages changes and pings search engines.
  13. Grunion Contact Form –  this is the best contact form by Automatic itself, makers of WordPress. It will let you add a contact form to any post, page or text widget. Emails will be sent to the post’s author by default, or any email address you choose. You must have seem it on See it live on our contact form.
  14. WordPress Stats –  this is a light weight analytics plugins (again as seen on to track site statistics and monitor you site traffic, backlinks, and traffic charts right from the WordPress dashboard. Simple and easy.
  15. WordPress Data Backup – provides an automated  as well as on demand back up of your wordpress databases.  It is must have to back your database safely on your email, computer or server itself, to save you on a bad server day.
  16. Wp-supercache –  this is the must have plugin to keep your site up and running not only when you have the Digg traffic hitting you, but also routinely to cache all your content and reduce server load with all those PHP calls. Do not start a WordPress blog without it.
  17. Mippin – The Mobilize by Mippin WordPress Plugin is a plugin I installed on my blog for monetizing my mobile website with admob mobile . Thereby generating income from traffic coming to mobile site from mobile phone users. When you register at mippin, it accesses your URL and redirects mobile traffiic to the Mippin rendering of your blog. Mippin renders perfectly for every cell phone type. Even the iPhone renders your blog better and faster than going to the direct PC URL. For example photos are scaled to perfectly fill the horizontal dimension of the screen, videos are converted on the fly to the 3gp format commonly used on phones and games are delivered according the phones capabilities. You can view my blog on your mobile device right now.

The look of the mobile rendered site can be optionally be configured by the blog site owner and he/she can add adverts too and get 100% of the mobile ad revenue.





I shared my WordPress plugins. What plugins do you use besides these?


  1. Thanks for mentioning my plugin “Affiliate Easel for Amazon.” I hope it makes your life easier and makes you some money.

  2. But I feel d developers can make money indirectly by driving users to their online store or social media profiles for follow-ups and back-end sales.

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