Are you an established entrepreneur looking to learn great ways to promote your brand and stay ahead of competitors? Are you hoping to become a successful entrepreneur someday?
Will you be in Abuja on Saturday, the 2nd of February 2013? Then you don’t want to miss this powerful Entrepreneurship Mentoring Seminar of the year. A team of smart entrepreneurs and online marketing specialists (including myself) will be teaching you how to make your business a success this holiday and in 2013.
Here’s what you will learn on that day:
- Who is an Entrepreneur?
- How to write a simple but powerful Business Plan
- How to raise funds for your business
- How to locate your customers and market your products and services both online and offline.
- How to Communicate with Stakeholders, Identify Smart Work tools and Team Management Strategies
This seminar is being organized by Ritetrac Consulting Nigeria Limited for upcoming and established entrepreneurs looking to learn smart tactics to building a business empire.
Where is it taking place?
Harmonia Hotel, Onitsha Crescent, off Gimbiya Street, Area 11, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria
10:00am-4:00pm prompt
How to Register!
STEP 1: Pay #10,000 NGN into GTBank Account in favour of:
Account Name: Ritetrac Consulting Nigeria Limited,
Account Number: 0023331797
STEP 2: Send payment details to or send SMS only to 08191547742 with the subject ”ENTREPRENEURSHIP MENTORING SEMINAR” stating your name, phone number, email address and the teller details (number, branch & date).
STEP 3: We shall email you the registration form (you come to the event venue with it).
Registration closes on Wednesday, 28th of January, 2013.
Visit RiteTrac Consult Seminar Page to learn more about the speakers.