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8 Engaging Facebook Apps Every Nigerian Business Should Have

Facebook Apps: almost every Nigerian business I know has a facebook page. But engagement and utilization of the page is still very low. so if you are looking for exciting facebook apps to spice up your business page, build your brand and interact with your fans, here is a list of 3rd-party facebook apps that I have been using to promote my brand on my facebook page. Read on…

  1. Slideshare app: for importing your PowerPoint slides presentation from your Slideshare account on your facebook page.
  2. Youtube app: for importing your personal and favourite youtube videos on your facebook page.
  3. Wildfire’s iFrames for Pages app: for creating a welcome gateway on your facebook page.
  4. NetworkedBlogs app: for importing and updating your facebook page with your blog posts on autopilot.
  5. Google+ Tab for Pages app: for importing your google+ recommendations and activities on facebook page.
  6. My LinkedIn Profile app: for importing your linkedin profile on your facebook page.
  7. ContactMe App: for turning your facebook page into a customer support center. All you need to do is sign up and customize your contact forms.
  8. Short Stack App: this is absolutely my favorite for creating dynamic custom landing tabs that engages your fans with contests, videos, tweets, photos, sweepstakes and more.


Now that I have exhausted everything you need to know about facebook marketing, it’s your job to utilize this information and start communicating with your customers. Did I leave out your favourite facebook app? Please share with us in the comments below.

Happy facebooking!

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