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7 Ways Social Media Marketing and Business Blogging Grow Business

Social Media and blogs are key parts of the most important activities businesses can undertake to increase their inbound marketing results online. Businesses that blog regularly, achieve better marketing results than those companies that don’t.

Here are seven ways in which engaging in social media marketing and business blogging can help grow your business:

  1. Quick to start: You could launch a facebook business page today or launch a business blog in a few days.
  2. Low cost: you can get started in social media and blogging at low cost. They are among the most cost effective methods of reaching your audience.
  3. Instant Interactivity: Both blogs and social media can give you nearly instant market feedback – good or bad. We get all kinds of feedback through comments on my blog posts and facebook fan pages; people also leave reviews and other comments for me on facebook, LinkedIn, twitter, youtube, and other social media channels.
  4. Search Engine Optimization: Surveys indicate that 90% or more of people begin their purchasing process in search engines. Blogs and social media make it more likely that your prospects will find you online when they search.
  5. Inbound Marketing: If you read my blog (, you’ll know that I am a big fan of inbound marketing. Outbound marketing is direct mail, telemarketing, cold calls, cold email blasts (sending people emails without their permission, not recommended), TV and print ads – all the things that buyers tend to block out more and more. Social media and blogs are essential inbound marketing tools.
  6. First Mover Advantage: For blogs and social media, there is an advantage to moving first. If you don’t jump into the conversation, your competitors will (if they have not already) and then you’ll be fighting an uphill battle to become influential in your niche or marketplace.
  7. Insights: Business blogging and social media marketing provides you with insights to help you gain a competitive edge over others through the use of web analytics such as google analytics, insights dashboard on facebook page, social mention, socialoomph etc.

Business Blogging for Nigerian Business Success Ebook


  1. The best thing about the world wide web when you’re into online marketing is that you can find countless ways to establish your name and brand to your targeted audience. Once you get a good connection, then you’re good to go. But of course, it doesn’t stop there. In order to establish and achieve brand awareness and successful messaging, you’d have to take time to learn the process and implement it and take full control. A little help might be necessary to do these things which you may also find in the internet.

  2. Social media marketing and blogging both are very effective ways to promote your business rapidly and effective because billions of people are there on social media sites.

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