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7 Twitter Tools For Automating Your Online Marketing in 2012

Twitter has been very instrumental to my online marketing success on the internet in 2011. But it could not have all rosy, if I hadn’t put my twitter messages on autopilot using these great automation tools that I am about to share with you. So if you are planning to utilize twitter as your marketing tool in 2012, I recommend that you read and take note.

Here are my 7 favorite twitter tools for automating my digital marketing while I sleep:

Socialoomph: this great twitter tool helps me send instant “welcome” DMs (direct messages) to people who followed me on twitter. All you need to do is draft a 140-character DM with a link to your website, landing page, youtube video, facebook or linkedin profile. That’s it. You no longer need to manually reply your new followers anymore. Brilliant isn’t it?

Tweetwally: this tool helps me create #hashtags for my events. It also serves as a twitter backchannel for helping my attendees and non-attendees follow-up on my events on twitter.

Storify: helps me collect selected tweets and embed them on my website.

Timely: this great tool is my favorite for scheduling my tweets to feed-drip on my twitter account at the best time. What’s more, you schedule it to post into your twitter account up to one year. Also gives me a weekly report on how the number of url clicks, retweets my scheduled posts got.

Twilert: this app just like google alert makes my social media listening easier. I can monitor receive regular email alerts of tweets containing your brand, product, service and competitors’ keywords, phrases.

Summify: shows me a summary of the most shared news stories from my twitter network.

Paywithatweet: this viral twitter tool makes people spread word about my brand on twitter in exchange for downloading my free giveaways.

 I hope you are gearing up to make your online marketing a huge success in 2012


  1. Great tools, i never use any tool for my business promotion on twitter, but after read your post i guess that these tools are very important and can help us a lot to promote our business rapidly.

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