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whatsapp marketing mistakes

5 Whatsapp Marketing Mistakes That Cost You Sales

WhatsApp is a great tool for marketing your products and services as well as making sales to potential and loyal customers.

Both big businesses and small business owners who have realized the importance of marketing on WhatsApp have taken advantage of it to make sales and close deals.

However, marketing and selling on WhatsApp is a skill that requires a proper set of techniques and strategy for you to get a positive result, because, doing it the wrong way can be counter-productive and even cost you sales and more.

Here are top 5 WhatsApp Marketing mistakes that would cost you sales:

1. Spamming groups and getting kicked out by the group admin.

There’s a better way, it’s called permission-based WhatsApp group marketing.

We all want to reach as many people as possible through WhatsApp and groups provide us with a ready-made platform to reach as many people as possible.

However, doing this shouldn’t be done in a way that gets you into trouble with group members or even the group admins.

Before you market your product and/or services in a group, you should get all the permission and consent so that you don’t get kicked out.

2. Posting less frequently on your WhatsApp status or creating content without purpose or strategy.

You see, creating content and selling your services are two different things.

In WhatsApp marketing, consistency is key. You need to make your posts as frequent as possible to stay fresh in the mind of your audience.

With well-targeted content, selling your services/product on WhatsApp becomes easier.

You should, however, bear it in mind that, creating content and selling your services are two different things.

For WhatsApp marketing, your content must be tailored to fit the purpose and not just randomly created.

This means you need to have in mind your primary goals of marketing on WhatsApp to avoid putting out content that neither catches the attention of your audience nor sells your product/services.

3. Bugging your friends to tears with those irrelevant messages at the wrong time.

They have no choice but to block or report your number to uncle Mark Zuckerberg. Then you get banned by WhatsApp.

It is outrightly wrong and irresponsible to bombard your contacts with irrelevant spammy messages.

You shouldn’t harass your contact with spam broadcasts just because you want to sell whatever you are selling.

There is always a better way to reach your target market on WhatsApp without coming as a nuisance.

4. Not building your list of interested WhatsApp contacts:

Who look forward to consuming your WhatsApp status daily & grabbing screenshots to repost, save and read later.

Who look forward to buying your stuff because it’s relevant and valuable.

If you want to sell on WhatsApp, you need to build a list of interested contacts who really want to hear or see what you have to offer.

You do this by sharing relevant knowledge-based content on your services or products you sell.

When you do this, you are regarded as an authority by your contacts who in turn follow your posts closely to see what you have to offer them at every point in time.

5. Adding people to groups without their permission.

So irritating. I tried it once and cringed. Never again!

There is a better way to make people beg to join your group with money in their hands.

You shouldn’t just get up, create a group, and start adding your contacts just because you can.

If you do this, you may get reported and banned. People will beg to join your WhatsApp group if you do the right thing; if you present yourself as an authority.

So, instead of adding people to your WhatsApp group at random, make them beg to join your group.

Like I said earlier, WhatsApp is a great marketing tool for selling your products and services.

However, you have to be strategic.

Because there’s a very thin line between selling on WhatsApp and losing your audience or even your account if you don’t do it the right way.

Want to learn how to attract, influence and convert your WhatsApp contacts into repeat buyers?

Buy My WhatsApp Sales Funnel Guide

So you can get started building your fan base, influencing, and selling on WhatsApp the right way.


  1. I miss the 3o daywhatsapp sales funnel challenge – on May oath 2021. I need the training please. Can I still pay?

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