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Social Media Consulting Course Nigeria

5 Reasons Why You Must Attend Social Media Consulting Course

As a Social Media Marketing expert, I train Nigerian sales, I.T, marketing, advertising and internet marketing professionals on how to get hired by Nigerian corporate world in order to build, engage, influence and convert their social media fans (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, SlideShare etc) into happy customers and loyal brand ambassadors.

Do you want to attend my class, but still wondering what you will gain from it?


Discover 5 reasons why you must attend my social media consulting course:

1. Income: Past attendees have landed their first paying client within the first 30 days of attending this course.

2. Multiple streams of income: After attending this course, you will discover 6 streams of income from being a Social Media consultant.

3. Education: You will gain 1st hand knowledge on how to position yourself as a got-to social media consultant by Nigerian companies. Not only that, you will learn the following skills:
– Social Media Marketing: How to analyse your client’s target audience, their interests and how to engage them effectively.

– Social Media advertising: How to create, advertise and monitor your ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Adwords,
– Social Media monitoring: you will learn how to monitor what people are saying about your client’s brand (positive/negative) and your client’s social media marketing performance using special social media management tools,
– Social Media reporting: You will learn how to create killer reports using Microsoft excel and PowerPoint graphic presentations for your client. Your client will surely retain you as their to see how their brand.

4. Templates/Worksheets: You will be given the same PowerPoint and excel templates to use in making marketing projections, reports and content creation for your clients.

5. Employment Strategies: You will learn how to get hired by your client. Either as a one-time contract, retainer basis or full time employment.

Are you convinced?

Here’s How To Book Your Spot for the Social Media Consulting Course:

Training Days: 3 Saturdays

Time: 11 am – 3pm

Venue: Will be announced.

Fee: N20,000 only to be paid into GTBANK PLC. In favour of Acct Name: Caroline Wabara. Acct No: 0017405509.

How To Book Your Spot: Text ‘Full Name + Email + Bank Teller No + Occupation’ to 08064629668.

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