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5 Conversion Rate Optimization Tips for Nigerian Entrepreneurs

So you have set up a business blog? You have added some nice keyword-rich content and pages to your website. You also have done some backlinks to other websites linking to yours and its bringing steady traffic. And you think that alone would convert your site’s visitor into customers or subscribers? Wrong!

The process of “converting” a visitor to your website into a customer or subscriber can be such a herculean task for some website owners. It is not how much traffic you get on your website or blog, but what happens to that traffic when it gets there.

By the way, what is “customer rate optimization”? CRO is the process whereby a website owner increases the rate of sales and subscription by making it easy for website visitors to perform a desired “call to action” like purchasing a product or opting into a mailing list. This means that visitors are only visitors until they become customers or opt-in to your mailing list.

This helps to reduce the percentage of bounce rate in your site, which can be viewed in your Google Analytics account. “Bounce rate” shows the percentage of visitors who visited your website or blog to and bounced off to another different site without taking the time to navigate to your website’s pages.

This happens as a result of not taking the time to do proper conversion rate optimization on the following areas:

  • Landing pages
  • Product/service pages,
  • Onsite content
  • Email campaign
  • Shopping cart processing
  • Pay-per-click advertising campaigns

So how do you perform conversion rate optimization on your business blog to convert that visitor into a buyer or subscriber? Here are six ways to convert a visitor to your website into a customer or subscriber:

  1. Setup a killer landing page with opt-in form on your blog for collecting your visitor’s contact details for follow-up. Don’t forget to entice them with free gifts if they sign up.
  2. Create product page with a high-converting sales copy that highlights the benefits, NOT the features of purchasing your products or services to the potential visitor. Add a shopping cart by VoguePay or 2checkout to accept credit cards and process payments online instantly on autopilot.
  3. Write rich content on your website, blog, article directories and social media fan pages for your readers and the search engines regularly. This enables the search engine spiders to crawl your website and index it. It also builds trust amongst your readers, who begin to see you as an authority in your niche thereby converting them into loyal subscribers and customers.
  4. Write high-converting email campaigns for marketing your products and services or blog content to your subscribers. This enables your readers to take action immediately to either visit your website or buy.
  5. Create high engagement pay-per-click ads that attract your customers to click and visit your website or blog.

Once again remember, it is not how much traffic that comes to your blog, it is what happens to that traffic.

How do you convert them into subscribers and loyal customers that matter?

Do you need help with increasing your website’s conversion rate optimization strategies? Click here to learn more about our digital marketing services in making your business launch a huge success.

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