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101 online and offline marketing ideas for nigerian businesses

4 Ways A Nigerian Business Owner Can Make A Customer Buy

One of the basic problems of most Nigerian Start-up businesses is making a customer take out his or her wallet to make a purchase. For instance, in order to increase revenue you need to do two things:

  • Get people in front of your product (marketing),
  • Get them to buy (sales).

If you’ve got an advertising budget, you can take care of “marketing”.

It’s sales that most Nigerian business owners get stuck. And that’s what I’ll focus on

4 Ways A Nigerian Business Owner Can Make A Customer Buy:

  1. The Free Trial Guarantee: It’s almost unheard of for a Nigerian man or woman  to purchase “suya” (Steak/barbecue) without tasting it. The same philosophy has taken shape online. Many can increase their sales and conversion rate by offering a free trial of their product. However, a free trial is something you should offer once you’ve developed a proper marketing funnel and ensured a high-quality new user experience. A free trial is always tempting, but make sure you are capable of managing the marketing behind the process; otherwise, you’ll find yourself overwhelmed quickly. Here’s an  internet marketing example of free trial being used by techsmith, the makers of screen capture and video making software-camtasia:
  2. The Time-driven Money Back Guarantee: This guarantee is becomingly increasingly popular. So popular, in fact, that it’s almost become a rule. Basically, this guarantee holds that a user can purchase a product within a certain period of time (like 30 days) and if they don’t like the product, they’ll get their money back (no questions asked).
  3. The Risk-Free Guarantee: Though all guarantees are positioned to be pretty much risk free, the “Risk Free Guarantee” is risk free because it removes any risk (like being stuck with a long-term contract that you’re not satisfied with).
  4. The Possible, Impossible Guarantee: Some businesses are in a specific service business or market to where they can offer a seemingly impossible guarantee that is actually deliverable. This type of guarantee definitely takes some creativity and deep thought, but if you can pull off the “Possible, Impossible Guarantee,” you’ll draw a lot of attention and increase your conversion rate.

Now, take one of the Guarantees above and apply it to your sales techniques and I “guarantee” you’ll find it worthwhile!

Hope you enjoyed this business coaching? Please share it with your friends and they will thank you for it.

Happy selling!



There is no better way to do that than by owning a customised, seo-optimized, mobile-friendly, social media-optimized business blog that is complete with social media profile (facebook, twitter, linkedin, flickr, youtube).

This business blog will enable you to do the following:

  • attract new prospects on the web and via their mobile phones,
  • capture their contact details for future follow-ups,
  • Engage and build solid relationships with your audience
  • convert your audience into life-time paying customers.
  • Increase sales, profits and revenue online.

100% Guaranteed!

To get your own business blog like, simply contact Caroline Wabara by calling +23408064629668 for a discount today.


  1. You have said it all. The four point mentioned above are the key to making customers buy from you which in turn yield profit for the business owners.
    Other way in which Nigeria business owners can use is to list their business in the Nigeria Business Directory website. By doing so, they are show casing the product and services to the right customers.

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