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4 Goals For Making Your Facebook Page Marketing A Success

So you want to launch your business on facebook? Well, before you hit that “create a page” link, you need to stop, think and ask yourself, what goals do I want to achieve from my marketing efforts at the end of the day?

Here are 4 goals you need to establish before marketing on facebook. You can add your own ideas to the list in the comments box below:

SEE ALSO:  Introducing’s Facebook Page Timeline

Goal #1: To Get Users Talking About Our Brand – this goal is important if you want to generate buzz about your brand on facebook. Once you have setup your page, you will be able to find out how many people are talking about your brand through your facebook page’s insights. It’s titled as “people talking about this”.

Goal #2: To Get Feedback From My Facebook Fans – this goal is essential if you want to use your facebook page as a platform for getting quality feedback from your fans on how to improve your products or their consumer experience. This can be done through question & answer wall posts, utilizing facebook questions, or creating polls using apps like polldaddy.

Goal #3: To Encourage Content Sharing – this goal is great for those who are into news publishing or blogging, whose main goal is to encourage their fans in sharing their contents (video, photos, wall posts) with their friends. This is very effective for generating viral/word-of-mouth buzz about.

Goal #4: To Bring Fans To My Website or Offline Store – this goal is essential if you want to bring your fans to your website for more exclusive information, to sign up for a newsletter or to purchase a product at discount.

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