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2011 In Review: A Time To Be Thankful & Count Our Blessings

The year 2011 has been both a blessing and a curse for so many of us. But this season is not the time to dwell on the ugly incidents that occurred in our lives this year. Rather, let us dwell on the good side of life that causes us to smile and laugh and rejoice.

So what am I thankful for in 2011?

Well, I am thankful for all the wonderful people I came across either by fate, accident, or design. I am thankful to God almighty for my beloved family, my loving son, my loyal friends, my esteemed customers, my friendly co-workers, my helpful mentors, my understanding landlord, my efficient bankers, my patient suppliers/vendors, drivers, the fresh air, my free country Nigeria and to you reading this article right now.

If it wasn’t you all, my life would not be complete, stress-free, and exciting. You all are the reasons why I want to live life to the fullest, inspire people to reach their full potentials and become role models in the society.

I pray that the year 2012, which is just a few days away will bring us good tidings, divine health, great challenges to conquer, prosperity and above all, that we will make peace with God.

So my friend, what are you thankful for in 2011? Please share with us in the comments below.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2012.

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