Join The SEO Agency Workshop Starting March 6th - March 28th

Email Automation Series

7,500.00 7,500.00

Do you already own a mailing list but don’t know what emails to send to them on autopilot? I have a special offer for you.

  1. I am giving you the entire email series of 27 emails that I put on automation to launch a customer’s product to their customers, attract new customers that had never heard of them AND convert leads into sales.
  2. Each email as the number it is in the sequence, the day we sent it, the objective and the subject line.  I’ve included the text, removing the items specific to our customer so you can fill in the blanks.
  3. The email template is broken down into the following series:
  • Launch series
  • Value series
  • Sales series.

Do you already own a mailing list but don’t know what emails to send to them on autopilot? I have a special offer for you.

  1. I am giving you the entire email series of 27 emails that I put on automation to launch a customer’s product to their customers, attract new customers that had never heard of them AND convert leads into sales.
  2. Each email as the number it is in the sequence, the day we sent it, the objective and the subject line.  I’ve included the text, removing the items specific to our customer so you can fill in the blanks.
  3. The email template is broken down into the following series:
  • Launch series
  • Value series
  • Sales series.


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